The raw material of the future is already here. With our secure supply of consistently high-quality, sustainable UPM Euca pulp from Uruguay, you’re all set for the future. Because pulp matters.



Striking the balance – A sustainable future for forests

Striking the balance – A sustainable future for forests

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Open feedback builds strong partnerships

Open feedback builds strong partnerships

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Behind the wheel of a family business

Behind the wheel of a family business

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The Pulp Express

The Pulp Express

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UPM Paso de los Toros off to a great start

UPM Paso de los Toros off to a great start

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UPM Paso de los Toros pulp mill is operational


UPM Paso de los Toros inauguration

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UPM inaugurates its new deep sea pulp terminal in the Port of Montevideo

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UPM Pulp - First pulp shipment has arrived in Qingdao, China

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UPM Forest Action

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Uruguayan honey of sustainable forest origin

Uruguayan honey of sustainable forest origin

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UPM Raflatac's Pressure Sensitive Labels Earn First-ever APR Certification for Recyclability on Natural HDPE

UPM Raflatac's Pressure Sensitive Labels Earn First-ever APR Certification for Recyclability on Natural HDPE

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UPM receives platinum in the EcoVadis responsibility assessment

UPM receives platinum in the EcoVadis responsibility assessment

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UPM Fibres renews its organisation, Petri Hakanen appointed SVP, Fibres Finland Operations

UPM Fibres renews its organisation, Petri Hakanen appointed SVP, Fibres Finland Operations

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