(24 October 2023) – Six months after the start of operations of the Paso de los Toros pulp mill in central Uruguay the production team has grown with a group of 30 future pulp professionals, young Uruguayans mostly from the interior of the country.
This group of men and women includes engineers, technicians and experts as well as people who are still studying. What is interesting is that many of them participated in building the pulp mill in other roles related to construction phase activities.
These future operators will take part in an intensive training and induction process to facilitate the use and understanding of the equipment as well as knowledge of the production process of the pulp mill. Their training has a first theoretical stage provided by the Institute of Chemical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of UdelaR. the public university in Montevideo. Subsequently they will continue with specific training on the process and mill equipment under the tuition of UPM’s production team.
The majority of the newcomers are from the nearby cities of Paso de los Toros and Durazno but also from other areas of the country such as Río Negro, Paysandú, Colonia, Canelones, Soriano and Montevideo.